A Drive-In “La Bohème”: aka “The Hipsters” from Pacific Opera Project

La Bohème: AKA “The Hipsters”
2020 Edition

Music by Giacomo Puccini
Libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa

Friday December 11 – 5:30 PM
Saturday December 12 – 5:30 PM
Sunday   December 13 – 5:30 PM

291 Anacapa Dr, Camarillo, CA 93010
Parking lot of Camarillo United Methodist Church

Audience must remain in their cars except while using the restrooms. Masks are required while outside of your vehicles.

Tickets $65 to $175 per car. Passengers limited to the number of seatbelts in the car. Please avoid high profile vehicles. These cars will be parked on the side or near the back.

Pacific Opera Project

Runtime: 2 hours
Presented with piano, in Italian with projected English supertitles

Director/Designer: Josh Shaw
Music Director: Parisa Zaeri
Costumer: Maggie Green
Assistant Director: Carson Gilmore
Stage Manager: Kourtni Dale-Noll Mitchiner

“POP’s trademark production is now a holiday tradition. The Highland Park Hipsters are headed to Ventura County this year to bring Puccini’s most popular opera from 1830s Paris to 2020 Los Angeles. (Technically the opera begins on December 24, 2019.) This year’s production will be extra interesting as the tragedy of the pandemic is woven into the staging. But don’t worry, there will still be plenty of laughs to go along with a few tears. We currently plan to make this the last Hipsters production for a few years. If you’ve never seen this hit production, you don’t know what you’re missing. If you’ve seen it before, this one is going to be different to say the least.” POP Press Release

BEN LOWE : Marcello
E. SCOTT LEVIN : Schaunard
LUVI AVENDANO : Benoit/Alcindoro/Parpignol